Access to drinking water to 4 villages and 1 school
The aim of this project is to provide access to drinking water for rural communities. Drinking water is the most important resource for human survival; still in some parts of the world millions of people lack access to clean water. In Benin, the rural population is still facing water shortage and half of them have to walk more than an hour to reach a water source.
Siliko is an agglomeration located in the municipality of Adjohoun, which lies partly on the Ouémé River, but the isolation of its villages reinforced the lack of access to drinking water.
During the execution of our sanitation project in Siliko, it was clear that drinking water is an urgent need in the region.
Women and girls are disproportionately affected by poor water and sanitary facilities.
In regions where no one has the luxury of tap water at home, women are usually responsible for water collection within the family. Girls miss school to make the long walk to fetch water from the well and some of them experience harassment on the way.
The poor quality of water, which is often collected in ponds, also causes transmissible diseases such as diarrhea, dysentery, typhoid and cholera.